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Special Message from the RESC School Board…

On behalf of the Randolph Eastern School Board, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude for Mr. Black’s exceptional leadership and dedicated service as our Superintendent over the past five years. His tenure has been marked by numerous significant accomplishments that have greatly benefited our school community, and we are profoundly grateful for the positive impact he has made.

Under his guidance, we navigated the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring the safety and well-being of our students, staff, and families while maintaining a high standard of education. Mr. Black’s unwavering commitment and strategic approach were instrumental in guiding us through these difficult times.

As a team we made the decision to take on the Wind Turbine case, which culminated in a victorious decision by the Indiana Supreme Court and showcased our perseverance and dedication to our community’s interests. This landmark achievement not only saved the school $1.5 million but is a testament to our strong advocacy for the tax payers in our community.

The establishment of Vision Corner, the construction of our new agricultural building and preschool, and the comprehensive improvements to our overall facilities are tangible examples of his forward-thinking vision. These projects have not only enhanced our educational infrastructure but have also enriched the learning experiences of our students. The efforts in establishing RAZ-32 (Rural Alliance Zone) have been pivotal in solidifying greater access to Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses for our students. This initiative ensures that our students are better prepared for the workforce and have access to diverse educational opportunities.

Together we have also made significant strides in enhancing the safety and security of our schools. The creation of our own school police department, the addition of School Resource Officers, the installation of improved camera systems, and the implementation of the Centegix Crisis Alert System have collectively established a secure environment where students and staffulty can thrive. Mr. Black’s dedication to creating a safe learning atmosphere has been a cornerstone of his leadership.

Most importantly, together we have worked to foster a family-like atmosphere within our schools, characterized by mutual respect, support, and collaboration. This culture of unity and camaraderie has been pivotal in achieving historical pay increases for our staff, reflecting his deep appreciation for their hard work and dedication. His role as the co-host and founder of the UC Experience podcast has been instrumental in highlighting all things Union City. Through this platform, we have celebrated our community’s achievements, shared important updates, and connected with our stakeholders in meaningful ways, further strengthening our community bonds.

We are also proud to recognize Mr. Black for his achievement as the District 6 Superintendent of the Year. This prestigious honor is a testament to his outstanding leadership and is a recognition shared by all the dedicated individuals at Randolph Eastern who contribute tirelessly to our shared mission of educational excellence.

As Mr. Black embarks on his new journey as Superintendent at Liberty Perry School Corporation, we wish him continued success and fulfillment. Your new community is incredibly fortunate to have a leader of your caliber, and we have no doubt that you will bring the same passion, vision, and dedication to your new role.

Thank you once again for your extraordinary contributions to Union City Schools. Your legacy will be remembered for years to come, and you will always be a valued member of our school family.

With warmest regards,

Randolph Eastern School Corporation School Board