Around 11:55 am Thursday – Darke County Deputies along with Greenville Township Rescue, Greenville fire department, Greenville City Police and Greenville Township Fire responded to US Route 127 and Children’s Home Bradford Road on the report of a serious motor vehicle accident.
Preliminary investigation revealed a 2007 Ford minivan driven by 63-year-old Catherine J. Linder of Versailles was traveling eastbound on Children’s Home Bradford Road at US Route 127. Linder failed to yield the right-of-way and traveled into the path of a northbound yellow 1988 International dump truck driven by 24-year-old Nickolus A. McFadden of Springfield, Ohio. The dump truck struck the Ford minivan on the passenger side causing both vehicles traveled off the right side of the roadway coming to rest in the side ditch.
McFadden was treated and released from the scene. Catherine J. Linder was pronounced dead at the scene.
Darke County Coroner’s investigator, the Darke Sheriff’s Office Accident Reconstruction team and the Ohio State Patrol Motor Carrier division also responded to the scene for further investigation.